We hope to develop this page into a source of references for websites, videos and other media relevant to growing, preserving and eating organic produce in the Bundaberg Region. It will take time!
We'd welcome suggestions for additional links. Please let us know by email.
(Click on the email address in the footer.)
To other organic and related groups
Brisbane Organic Growers Inc: http://bogi.org.au
Sydney Organic Gardeners: http://www.sydneyorganicgardens.com.au
Queensland Beekeepers' Association: http://qbabees.org.au
About home-made compostable seedling pots
Using newspaper:
The pots in the photo are made by students as part of their lessons.
They became quite enthusiastic about growing their own food.
Using toilet rolls:
P.S. The Queensland Education Department does not allow the use
of these roll at its schools. Elsewhere they are used widely.
About worms
This short (02.27) time laps video shows worms at work. Quite amazing.
About wicking beds and boxes
Wicking beds and boxes allow you to grow in 'impossible' places: on balconies, on concrete, near trees, when renting where digging up gardens is not allowed. They save water as none is wasted in wicking system. They have many other advantages, especially when bending and kneeling becomes difficult. Beds are elevated while boxes can be placed on tables. So they also don't suffer during heavy rains as they are above local flood levels and excess water drains out through the inbuilt drain pipes.
The ideas were developed in the Bundaberg Region in 2005, put on a free-to-copy website and the concept went worldwide. Warning: many sites, including the ABC Garden Show, advice to put stones at the bottom covered by a cloth. THIS IS WRONG, especially for organic growing. The reasons why this is wrong are given on the above site. The site is old but the technical details are still correct.